Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Cold Running on January 12th

January 12th was really cold and windy, but I went outside to run and keep my streak alive. According to my Garmin watch, it was -2 degrees F outside. I don't know what the wind chill was. I mean, I know it wasn't good. My body kept on getting uncomfortable cold spots on it where my sweat started to freeze. At one point, I took off my gloves for a bit to adjust my clothing and facemask and when I looked at my wrists, all my exposed arm hairs were frosted over. Each one looked like a white delicate moth antenna. I tried to get a picture of it, but my phone kept shutting off when I tried to start the photo app. I guess it didn't like the cold weather either. Anyway, here's a cool picture of my frosted hat around mile 3 (I finally got the photo app to work by restarting my phone many times and screaming a few choice words).

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